Owens Media, Inc. To Present Free Seminar September 30
ORLAND PARK, IL (September 19, 2023) – Marjorie Owens-Klotz has been touting the benefits of public speaking skills for decades. She has served as a public speaking professor and coach for more than 30 years and teaches speech fundamentals and marketing at Chicago area colleges and universities.

The Orland Park Public Library will host “Public Speaking – A Life Skill,” on Saturday, September 30 at 10 a.m. The free seminar is presented by Owens Media, Inc.
“On the first day of each of my college classes, I keep a straight face as I tell the kids, ‘This is the most important class you will ever take.’ I can see the confusion on their faces and some students will chuckle. I then explain that public speaking is a life skill that applies to every single occupation.”
“Public speaking applies to everything we do,” Owens-Klotz emphasized. “It’s part of our daily lives as students, teachers, adults, customers, first responders, family members, business people, store clerks, service people – everyone. It’s not just presentations - it’s one on one communication too.”
Owens-Klotz reported that the September 30th presentation will include general applications that everyone can use. “Public speaking is universal – it’s a skill that can be developed and practiced.”
“Being able to communicate well is one of the top hiring skills that employers look for. It helps with customer service and working with the public. It applies to job interviews and school presentations. And, most importantly, it helps with self confidence. If you’re well prepared, you will be more confident,” Owens-Klotz said.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “Public speaking anxiety affects 40% of the population.” Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking.
“Jerry Seinfeld has said people’s number one fear is public speaking and number two is death,” Owens-Klotz said. “He said if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy. I obviously disagree,” she said smiling.
